General FAQs
Need to Know FAQs
Seeing is Believing
You may still have questions and we couldn’t possibly answer them all here. You’re welcome to reach out to any of our team members or attend a ceremony to get any additional questions answered.
General FAQs
What is Temple of Eden's Sacrament
Our sacrament is 5-MEO-DMT, a powerful entheogen, or Divine Medicine. Also known as Bufo, it is the glandular secretion of Bufo Alvarius, the Sonoran Desert Toad. We believe that Divine Love and Divine Intelligence surrounds us always! We have found, as did our ancient ancestors, that this most sacred medicine, this gift of the Toad, allows us the profound experience of transcending ego-illusion, allowing us to rise into the 12th dimensional Angelic Light plane and bringing us into the presence of the Divine Creation, Divine Love and Divine Intelligence. This is our sacred Offering.
What is the Temple of Eden fellowship?
The Temple of Eden Ceremony is our monthly offering to those who have heard our message of love and feel called to join us in a sacred celebration of our Sacrament, and as a coming together in Fellowship of like-minded individuals, in witness of the healing that our Divine Sacrament bestows upon us, and upon all that are called with the courage to proceed. We are a community that acknowledges that spiritual evolution for each person goes along with a willingness to heal deeply. We hold that healing need not be an isolated ‘Dark Night of the Soul’. We hold that having the support of others is important and sometimes essential. Fellowship at the Temple of Eden is, we believe, the sacred space and expanding sacred container we as Divine Souls create between us and within us, through time and incarnation, working together by the transcendent lamplight of communion with our Holy Sacrament (5-MEO-DMT), the gift of Mother Nature’s Toad.
What will I experience when I take the sacrament?
In its highest expression consciousness, Bufo can take the participant into the journey spaces of higher consciousness. A common experience is what is termed in the Sanskrit word, Samadhi. This is one of those experiences that defy expression into words, but let’s try. Samadhi is a non-dualistic state of consciousness in which the perception of the experiencing mind perceives the subject of its attention such that it becomes one with the object, but does not so totally merge into non-duality so as to cause the subject observed to lose form completely and is therefore able to observe and gain insight into the changing flow of experience. In the West, these experiences are often described as Union with God or Christ Consciousness. The hallmark of this experience in the context of a Bufo journey is the death or transcendence of Ego. The loss of the grasping, separatist Egoistic consciousness allows us perceive our place in all Creation, that we are not separate from it, but an integral part of it, in the universe’s dance of separation and oneness, Bufo Samadhi is the point of view which see’s both the oneness and individual manifestation of things simultaneously, and the value of each to the other.
Commonly the answer is “It’s so beautiful I can’t put it into words.” A loss for words might be expected when being asked to describe a visit to the Divine. Many who endeavor to put it in words describe it as a journey as through a transcendent world of Gods, Buddhas and Angels. Visionary hallucinations are rare, but an experience of being surrounded by a vast field of fractal white light and having feelings of unconditional love and being wrapped in a profound sense of deep comfort and safety. When returning to baseline consciousness the majority of participants feel a sense that they have been healed in some way. Some even tell of receiving what they describe as divine messages.
These beautiful experiences truly are what usually happens. But to tell the whole truth, it must be added that ego-death and transcendence can precipitate intense feelings that some find unpleasant. With the sacramental dissolution of ego, temporary as it might be, the barrier between conscious feeling and suppressed trauma and shadow material can bring up a catharsis of tears, feelings of depersonalization and feelings of anger, to name a few. The sacrament at very least can be intensely disorienting for some. Again, unpleasant experiences are not the norm, but also aren’t infrequent. These kinds of feelings are very temporary and attended to by the experienced Temple staff who will be holding space with you. Frequently the problem of unpleasant experiences is caused by the ego’s unwillingness to surrender to the sacramental process. This is why the advice to surrender is well considered. But sometimes, try as we might, ego is unwilling to surrender, and this then becomes the primary focus of the sacrament’s healing route: surrender! Healing can be painful, just as it can be exhilarating, awesome and beautiful. But in the end healing and enlightenment is the purpose of our church and we consider it Divine, however it comes.
How do I prepare myself to take sacrament?
1) Kambo
What is Kambo?
2) Breathwork
What is Breathwork:
3) Meditation
What is Meditation?
- Mindfulness Meditation: Focuses on being present in the moment, observing thoughts without judgment.
- Transcendental Meditation (TM): Involves silently repeating a mantra to achieve a state of relaxed awareness.
- Loving-kindness Meditation (Metta): Focuses on cultivating feelings of love and compassion towards oneself and others.
- Zen Meditation (Zazen): Emphasizes sitting in a specific posture, observing the breath, and detaching from thoughts.
- Guided Meditation: Involves a guide leading the practitioner through visualizations or imagery.
- Body Scan Meditation: Involves systematically directing attention to different parts of the body, promoting relaxation.
- Chakra Meditation: Focuses on energy centers (chakras) in the body, aiming to balance and align them.
- Transcendental Meditation (TM): Involves silently repeating a mantra to achieve a state of relaxed awareness.
- Vipassana Meditation: Focuses on observing bodily sensations and gaining insight into the nature of reality.
4) Yoga
What is yoga?
5) Setting Intentions
6) Practice Surrender
7) Preparation call
8) Preparation diet
DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that we are not licensed medical professionals, and under no circumstances should any responses be considered as medical advice. This includes any suggestion to discontinue prescribed medications or the belief that sacraments can cure physical illnesses. It is imperative that you always consult your prescribing doctor if contemplating any adjustments to your prescribed medications.
Please avoid 7 days prior:
- Recreational drugs
- Microdosing of any entheogenic substances
- Prescription drugs (3 days prior)
- Alcohol
- Red meat
- Sex
- Nicotine
- Melatonin
- 5-htp supplements
- Pregnant women may not consume the sacrament
- No Testosterone (only discontinue if taken for bodybuilding)
- Nuero-Peptides
- Violent movies, novels or images
***Please no caffeine morning of ceremony as it can spike your blood pressure***
*Note: Persons must not have Serotonin, MAO inhibitors or antidepressants in their bloodstream. It is not safe for people with high blood pressure, heart problems, lung problems or psychiatric issues to take the Sacrament. Our sacrament contains Bufotoxin which is a vassoconstrictor. People taking high blood pressure medication are eligible to receive the sacrament only if they maintain a well-controlled, healthy blood pressure. A doctor’s letter confirming the individual’s stable blood pressure is necessary to partake in the sacrament.
If you have Asthma please bring your inhaler.
You say the Sacrament comes from a toad. Are they endangered?
Because Bufo Alvarius is the source of our Divine Sacrament, we not only care for them gently and carefully, but reverently. We believe the Toads are a Sacred emissary of the Divine Creator. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature Bufo Alvarius conservation status is Least Concern.
What does the Temple of Eden's ceremony involve?
Check-in begins at 10 a.m., please arrive no later than 10:30am. We ask all participants to stay until the end of our ceremony (5 p.m.) for the integration and closing circle. For safety, we will check blood pressure and heart rate and you will be asked to sign a release of liability waiver and a photo release. Participants that do not want to be photographed are excluded from signing the photo release.
Ceremony begins at 11 a.m. sharp, no late entry will be allowed.
If you are experiencing a fever, flu like symptoms or have been exposed to anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19, please do not attend our ceremony.
Our ceremony schedule:
- Check-in with signing of waivers and checking of vitals
- Introduction with questions and answers
- Sharing of intentions
- Group photo
- Protection and cleansing ritual
- Opening prayer
- Breathwork
- Administering of our sacrament
- Lunch
- Integration and closing circle
Additional items
- We do not charge for the Sacrament, but your contribution goes towards meals, accommodations and travel expenses for practitioners and volunteers.
- No children, pets, or non-participants are allowed. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
- This is a sacred space and we do not allow spectators
- We do not allow cellphones or any filming in our ceremony space
- The use of any drugs during the ceremony is strictly prohibited.
- Remember that this is a time and place for healing and to reconnect, not a recreational getaway.
- Please remember to try your best to arrive in surrender mode. It is normal to feel anxious or even scared. Just remember to breathe and to trust the divine process. You are welcome to have a set intention (or not) just please dissolve expectations and be open to whatever messages, healing or energies our sacrament will offer you.
What's the difference between public ceremonies and a private session?
The Temple of Eden offers two types of Ceremony—private and public.
Private ceremonies involve one to ten participants and are tailored for either the needs of a single participant or for a self-selected group of participants, such as a family or a circle of friends. Currently, all private ceremonies are being held as house calls and only in the following counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Ventura
- Riverside
- San Bernardino.
As part of our future development plans, we are seeking to acquire a physical location to do all ceremonies, but until then, home arrangements will have to be made.
Private ceremonies are for those who require a closer interaction with Priestess Suzi Kalypso and her team, wishing for more time with personal integration and spiritual counseling. Private ceremonies are also ideal for people who wish to control the energetic dynamic of the session by choosing who will attend with them. A private ceremony is also highly recommended for people who have serious trauma backgrounds.
Public ceremonies are for those who seek a more communal and social experience. Our public ceremonies are open to all that medically qualify (most people). Public ceremonies provide a fellowship, community experience for connection and celebration of like-minded people. Creating a beautiful environment for group space holding and meeting people. Public ceremonies are often held outdoors in a pleasing natural environment. We begin each public ceremony with an amazing breathwork session.
One public ceremony is scheduled per month for up to twenty-five participants.
Free monthly integration zoom meetings are available to all participants.
Is there a certain number of sacramental ceremonies I should attend before I am finished with the process?
This is an often-asked question by Ceremonial Recipients. Truthfully, there is no easy answer. Indeed, in the end, only the individual Sacramental Recipient can answer the question. The first quick answer might be that it depends on the intentions set by the Recipient. Are they being met? The thing here is that the movement through the integration process can change those original intentions, in fact, sometimes the process voids the need for intentions entirely. One critical consideration is to be aware of how complete integration is from the last Journey. What did the sacrament show you? What insights? What hidden things were revealed for healing and self-acceptance? What is being shown about the people in your life? Once these things are shown (and whatever else) a process begins so what was revealed can be harmoniously integrated into your psychological system, or what some call Soul Retrieval. Perhaps the fundamental answer to the question is—How is your integration going?
As part of the Temple’s aftercare program, mandatory Zoom integration meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month and are required if you want to continue with further Temple ceremonies. If you feel extremely overwhelmed by your integration process, we recommend that you consult a professional counselor who is familiar with entheogenic integration (we have a practitioner list). When you feel your healing and spiritual intentions are resolved, then perhaps you won’t need to journey as much, or at all. Those who have more complex trauma systems, or who find 5-MeO-DMT a useful dharma tool on their spiritual path, might want another Ceremony. Whatever the case, there will always be a cycle created by taking the path of the Sacramental Journey: beginning with the Journey itself, followed by a phase of psychological/spiritual integration, that can last days, weeks, months, or even years. Finally followed by a completed integration of the elements of the particular Journey(s). With completion, the Recipient might consider whether they want another Sacramental Ceremony and another Journey through the Integration Cycle. What this completion looks like for any individual can be discussed with entheogenic facilitators and counselors. People may also feel the need to deepen their process to better grasp their current integration and may opt to go deeper into an ongoing incomplete integration cycle.
Ultimately, whether or not to Journey, and how many times, is a decision only the Recipient can make in consultation with themselves. We strongly recommend that you plan a 30-day interval between ceremonies to allow your integration to level out.
What are the differences between drugs and Entheogenic medicines?
Western culture is unfamiliar with the true essence of healing. In the clinical practice, the prescription of antidepressants is prevalent, aimed at the suppression of emotions, never addressing the root causes of afflictions. Society actively promotes the consumption of drugs and alcohol as an escapism from the depths of our emotional wounds.
Frequently, Entheogenic medicines, are classified alongside common street drugs. Yet, it is crucial to understand the profound difference between pharmaceuticals and street drugs in contrast to these natural medicinal healing treasures. Conventional drugs, with their low vibrational attributes, serve to numb pain, facilitating the avoidance of confronting underlying issues. In stark contrast, Earth’s natural medicines resonate at a higher frequency, providing the catalyst for individuals to confront their truths and traumas. They act as a guiding light, leading people back to their authentic selves and fostering a deeper connection with spirituality.
Pharmaceuticals and street drugs, by their nature, lack any spiritual essence, while Earth’s natural medicines are deeply intertwined with the spirit of existence. As the healing properties of these Entheogens become mainstream, we find ourselves amidst the largest psychedelic revolution since the 1960s. More than ever, people are connecting to their divinity and waking up from the illusions of social programming.
Here at the Temple of Eden, we are honored to bear witness to the healing journeys of our brothers and sisters. We facilitate the transcendence of generational trauma, addiction, depression, and the restoration of spirituality within individuals. It is imperative to disregard the prevailing narrative of despair propagated by the media, which often portrays the world as a hopeless place. We maintain an unwavering belief in the future of humanity and our planet, thanks to the transformative and healing powers of our sacraments 5-MEO-DMT (Bufo).
What are the differences between Nn-DMT vs 5-MEO-DMT?
There is a common misconception that 5-MeO-DMT—and thereby our precious sacrament Bufo from the Sonoran Desert toad—is the same as DMT. People often come to register for our ceremonies unaware of the differences between these sacred molecules, so we’re sharing some info to clarify. Both DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) and 5-MeO-DMT (5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) are powerfully psychoactive tryptamines. These structurally similar organic compounds are found throughout nature in plants and animals. While more research needs to be done, both DMT and 5-MeO-DMT have been detected in trace amounts in the human body. When smoked these substances share rapid onset and brief duration of effects compared to many psychedelics. Beyond that, the compounds produce strikingly different experiences. Popular names ascribed to these entheogens shed light.
DMT is often referred to as the “Spirit Molecule” for generating surreal visionary journeys that may involve encounters with supernatural and even alien beings and worlds (the 5th Dimension). It has an ancient, deeply rooted history of shamanic use. For millennia indigenous peoples of the Amazon Basin have combined two or more plants to create the powerful DMT-containing brew ayahuasca, which has long been central to these cultures’ spirituality and revered as a master plant teacher. In contrast, 5-MeO-DMT has earned the moniker the “God Molecule” for inducing a transcendent state of consciousness that is often devoid of visuals and mimics a near-death experience in which the subject-object paradigm and all sense of self vanish. Most notably Sonoran Desert toads, our beloved Mud Buddhas, produce 5-MeO in their glandular secretions. When experienced safely in a ceremonial context, our sacrament Bufo can enable an indescribable, ecstatic experience of God or oneness with the entirety of Creation (the 12th Dimension). In ancient Hinduism this is known as Nirvikalpa Samadhi, an ultimate spiritual state of ego dissolution and union with Divine Consciousness, and it has the potential for massive release of trauma that is akin to the concept of Moksha, or liberation from suffering.
Is the Temple of Eden a cult?
Our Sacrament is a gift of Mother Earth, it is the elixir that frees your mind and opens you up to your inner-most true self. It is a divine means of liberation. Cults operate in the exact opposite way. Like a mirror reversal. Cults persuade their victims that what is outside them, usually in the form of some charismatic leader who has adopted the persona of the divine, and is promising wealth, love, societal escape, or some other kind of “salvation.” It is very important when choosing a spiritual path that the healing, wisdom and higher consciousness that the teachings and practices help you evolve from within yourself, and is not directed outward to some narcissistic actor who is poised to take your money, mind and soul (and in some cases even your life).
The following is a list of traits associated with cults:
- Cults often have a charismatic, authoritarian leader who holds significant influence over members.
- Isolation: The rules of the cult might work to isolate members from friends, family and mainstream society, in lieu of a strong group identity created by the cult.
- Mind control: Cults employ mind control techniques designed to control and manipulate members’ thoughts and perceptions.
- Financial exploitation: A cult may require members to make significant financial contributions or give up all their assets.
- Fear and intimidation: fear and intimidation tactics are used to keep members compliant and obedient.
- Exclusivity: Cults often claim to possess exclusive truths or knowledge not available elsewhere in an attempt to create a false sense of superiority.
- Us vs. them mentality: cults often foster an us/them conflict, creating the illusion of outsiders as enemies.
- Rapid indoctrination: Members are quickly indoctrinated to forestall the members’ ability to critically evaluate the organization’s belief system.
- Restricted information: Information about the cult is blocked or restricted.
- Manipulative recruitment: Deceptive or coercive tactics are employed to recruit members.
The purpose of our 5-MeO-DMT Sacrament is to free the mind, not to control it. If you or someone you know is caught up in a cult, please call 215-467-4939 for cult recovery info.
Need to Know
Will the Temple of Eden's Sacrament cure all my problems?
As you begin your sacramental journey it is important to understand that 5-MeO-DMT, like other entheogens, is not a miraculous panacea for all that ails you. The spirit of the medicine is a powerful healer for sure, and will show you hidden things about yourself, others and the world (and even God and the universe!). It will guide you to the unconscious and unresolved sources of your grief, rage, anxiety and depression. Our sacramental medicine can reveal to you what you need to see, and offer insight as to how to heal, forgive and be strong in your true-self. What it can’t do is perform the necessary work you need to accomplish these things. This you must do yourself. The medicine can be a wise counselor, a mentor, a guardian—but it is you, and only you, that must accept the responsibility of your own healing journey. Often, the first thing the sacrament shows us is that the journey to healing is the core work of our life, the path that shows us, through its rigors, who we are and sometimes even the actual meaning of our lives.
The medicine shows us the hidden places that are calling out. Like neglected orphan children inside. Calling out for attention, recognition, and healing. Calling out to reveal the unwanted feelings and memories they hold. Emotions from events in our lives (and past-lives) that, however painful, when we lovingly accept and integrate, bring us to wholeness, peace and the place where our truth can blossom. The path of genuine happiness. The medicine can show us these parts and point us in the right direction on our journey, but only we can take the journey. This is why we so often say that Bufo isn’t a magic bullet, and that half of the process of the journey is on the mat, the other half is the hard work of being true to your journey wisdom and integrating what you have learned. And usually, it is not more medicine that is needed for that, but rather the need for more integration work and self-care.
Why is there a "No Touch Policy" during my Sacramental journey?
Suzi Kalypso is an entheogenic priestess, a practitioner of the Sacred 5-MEO-DMT Sacrament. She, along with her Temple colleagues are people who have been called to be of service with this Divine Sacrament. Most important and always at the forefront of our minds is the creation of a physically, emotionally and spiritually safe container as you proceed along in your journey into your sacred, divine and holy eternal self—through ego-death and spiritual re-birth. As facilitators and officers of the church we are not Shamans that will follow you into the multidimensional realms and slay your demons for you. We are not your saviors… In reality, our sacrament places a mirror before of you so you might glimpse your Divine Self in all its shadows and contradictions. We take our work as facilitators to be a sacred honor and responsibility. As such, we have given our procedures and approach a great deal of consideration. We see it as our primary task to maintain safety. Our philosophy is to allow your journey to unfold naturally. We practice a doctrine of non-interference with respect to your journey and process which is as you surrender, we allow. We only intervene when a matter of safety is at hand. We also have, for emotional security, a no-touch policy, which means we refrain from any touching that isn’t necessary for safety, or is not requested or initiated by the participant. Safety is our priority. We are thankful for our safety record and maybe more than anything else grateful for your trust in us.
What does it mean to have an "Ego Death?"
The most essential aspect of our Bufo (5Meo-Dmt) Sacrament is its ability to induce Ego Death. Talking about death might seem scary or morbid, but Ego Death is a great blessing. To begin with, the “death” in Ego Death is a feeling, not a happening, which is to say, in Ego Death, there is no physical death. Ego Death is rising above the conditioned false consciousness of the Ego. To your Ego, this feels like death, to your Soul it feels like liberation! Blessed be to the toad!
Now again, we ask, “What is ego?” The ego is a product of an evolutionary process. It is a survival mechanism. The ego cares about nothing but its survival and perpetuation. The ego is a tangle of paranoid and delusional lies, about itself, about you, about others, about everything! The journey to Ego Death is surrendering into the Medicine of our Earth Mother and her mud baby Toad, which will instantly lift you out of the babbling snares and cul-de-sacs of the Ego and its dark dreams of fabricated terror that can seem so real but are not. The Ego creates endless distortions of reality. Its reason for being is fear. Ego’s greatest fear is death. Our Sacrament’s first healing act is to launch us past the barrier of egoic terror, and for some precious brief minutes into the illuminated realm of endless Peace and Eternal Love. The place that heals. The place that cleanses. The place that enlightens. Our Blessed Toad journey takes us home again. Home to the place of Creation and Creator. Of God and Goddess. Of Christs and Buddhas. Home again for a brief sweet time, to the place that has been called Heaven, Nirvana, the golden Fields of Elysium. It is a journey to the place of Source; the place we go to die is the same place we go to be born. Bless our Sacrament which gives a glimpse of home. The Journey back to Source is the journey back home. Bless the Toad!
What does a "Return back to my innocence" mean?
The dharma of Eden is the path of fresh and higher spiritual insights. One of the great healing insights bestowed by our sacrament is the insight of Return to Innocence. Mastery of the Insight of Innocence is crucially important on our path because it is a point of view that allows for forgiveness. So many people have their contact with divinity and psychological healing blocked by a sincere inability to forgive others, and to forgive themselves. Return to innocence is the position of consciousness that allows us forgiveness, both for ourselves and others. Mother Earth’s ugly toad again gives us the simple miracle of love that the Innocent Mind provides. Innocence is a gateway to forgiveness because it is a return to our original state, to the re-enactment of our original Creation and Being, beyond mere personal experience. The Return to Eden.
We were all born innocent. But being born into needy, pain and pleasure producing bodies as we are, we begin to accumulate memories which are often unpleasant and even traumatic (not to mention desire and addiction producing pleasant ones). In the sacramental presence of the Divine our point of view is momentarily cleansed of experience, so we can see through the distortions of mind and experience and see ourselves and others as we truly are—Divine! From this vantage point, whatever addictions, relationship mistakes, incarcerations, prejudices, sicknesses, traumas, injustices that you have experienced or perpetrated dissolve and drop away. Innocence is what is real. It is the truth, and the memories are not. This view, this experience of Innocence, even for a few minutes, becomes the basis of that Divine Healing, which is forgiveness. Blessed be the Toad!
What does it mean to "Trust the process"?
As servers of the 5-MeO-DMT (Bufo) Sacrament, our first request of aspirants is to trust. The Sacrament comes from deep in the spirit of Mother Nature, offered to us through the Sacred Toad. What comes to us as a Sacrament is, in essence, a spirit of evolution that is much older than the Toad, and much older than the Earth itself. Indeed, it is the intelligence that created Earth and set the mechanisms of Evolution aflame in the cosmos. It is the spirit that created you and I. This Spirit, embodied in the Medicine knew who you were before you were born, and knows your particular path of healing and spiritual ascension now. It knows perfectly so. If you can put the will of your ego aside for a few short minutes, and surrender to the processes of the Divine, by the Toad, our instrument of all creation will be yours to command as It too surrenders Its Will in the Divine Mirror of Consent.
Mother Earth is Nature’s teacher and her lessons come not in words, but through feelings, downloads, and flashes of insight from your deepest roots. Taking you back to your origins. Back to your ancestors. Journeying into the unknown of yourself. Back even to the places of past incarnations. Places where old selves live. Places where old identities dwell which the ego has rejected but, like miracles, carry golden gifts of the soul, creative talents, and magical powers. This requires a surrender of self, but there can be no surrender without trust in this Divine process of change, as it designs to come through as the wisdom of the 5-Me0-DMT (Bufo) Sacrament. Coming to us as a Divine Toad from the raw living Earth, as an act of Divine love, to receive the trust of those who are called to its particular kind of healing and evolution. But to connect, your trust and surrender are needed. It is what the Divine requires to tell us its lessons.
I would like to take the Sacrament, but I am afraid… How do I get over my fear?
The decision to receive the 5-MeO-DMT sacrament is an important decision, and not one to be taken lightly. As with any serious choice a bit of nervousness, and even outright fear can intrude on the situation. It is, at least at the outset, important to listen to your fear. What is it telling you?
It is critical that you understand your feelings because the Sacrament is an incredibly powerful medicine, and is not for everybody, not at all times anyway. So listen to your emotions and deepest feelings, and if they say ‘no’ it could be that the time isn’t right yet. Maybe later. Maybe never. But if after sincere soul searching you feel that you are ready to take the Sacramental Journey if you feel ready to touch the Divine, then you must realize that such an experience will cause you to change; and as is so often the case, the prospect of change stimulates fears.
There are two fears associated with Bufo: The fear that says “don’t do it” and the fear of change. If your fear is the first, Bufo may not be for you, not now anyway. If it’s the second, Bufo may be for you. Indeed, the fear might be telling you it is time to change, it is time to heal! Are you ready to change? Buried traumas are often the source of distorted perceptions and maladaptive behaviors such as addictions or allowing yourself to be enmeshed in toxic relationships. The Bufo experience brings us very close to these hiding and wounded parts of ourselves. Something which can trigger a lot of anticipatory shame and trepidation. The antidote to this perfectly natural reaction is, as we so often say, surrender. But what we perhaps don’t say enough is trust. Because what the Sacrament is guiding you to is an encounter with the Divine Source, a place of transcendent love.
In this encounter defensive triggers of shame and fear are the first things that are healed and replaced with dignity and safety. Which allows the Divine Source access to the darker more guarded and intractable Shadow wounds for healing. The prerequisite to this is the individual participant’s free will choice to trust, to surrender.
What happens after the Sacramental journey with Bufo?
The initial Bufo journey, which lasts 15 minutes or so, is just the beginning of the sacred path of 5-MeO-DMT. The consumption of the sacrament is the breakthrough phase, the opening of the Ego defined, Ego distorted, ego-conditioned view of reality. In the ensuing days, weeks, and months after the sacrament’s passage through the veil of Ego’s mirror maze of illusions, it will begin to bring you to the insights needed for your self-realization. What most of us don’t realize is that perhaps 80% of our mind is unconscious. We do not know 80% of what we are thinking or envisioning, except when it erupts in dreams when profoundly bonded with nature, or through certain intense artistic experiences and the shadow side of our darker nature.
With Bufo, the doors to the unknown fathoms of the unconscious often open wide when the familiar Ego distorting processes dissolve. As the blocks to ourselves in wholeness are removed the opportunity to re-imagine and re-create ourselves in profound, healing, and spiritual ways emerge. In time you might reach out and touch the face of your own truest self, the face of your very soul. But to gain that sense of true self requires awareness made of insightful integration of your newly discovered selves. This is the first initiation of the Temple aspirant. The pieces of a puzzle that when completed is the new, authentic you. Fully realized, known, and expressed. The one that you have been for so many years and lifetimes waiting to emerge; waiting once again to form your truer and someday truest self. Created, and once again re-created.
Why can't I remember my journey with the Sacrament 5meo-DMT (Bufo)?
About 10% of participants have complete memory loss of their 5-MeO-DMT (Bufo) Sacramental journey. There are two major reasons for this. The first is simply the dose is too high. The second reason is the effect of the natural interaction of the sacrament with your psyche. Too high a dose can create a condition colloquially known as “white out.” The remedy for this is to start beginning aspirants at the generally lowest effective dose, then offer smaller booster doses as needed until the individual participant’s optimal amount is arrived at.
The second reason is more complex. Memory loss after a journey shouldn’t ever be considered a problem. Entheogens like Bufo can operate in the deepest labyrinths of the unconscious mind. Places so deep that they are completely occluded from the conscious mind (which “remembers” things). The unconscious totally lives up to its name; it is the part of you that your conscious mind knows nothing about. A journey with the 5-MeO-DMT can cause a complete dissolution of the ego. The ego is largely a construct of ongoing memory systems that inform the waking consciousness. It is not uncommon that when the ego is in a state of full dissolution there is literally no ego present to do the job of systemically perceiving and remembering a Sacramental experience for the conscious mind to recall.
But again, not remembering does not equate to not healing. Although we might not initially remember the Journey, there will still be a process of integration and in time an ability to experience meaningful impressions and feelings from the process. Journalling can be particularly helpful in this situation, as can talking with a counselor, integration coach or entheogenic therapist.
Why does Temple of Eden allow photography inside ceremony?
We don’t believe that photographing our ceremonies is in any way disrespectful to the sacramental space or its processes. Just as with other sacred ceremonial healing services and rites of passage where photos are an integral part of such occasions as baptisms, weddings, graduations, Bar Mitzvahs, and funerals. Photos of these events are a major part of individual and family legacies, and give us a representation of who lived before us; of ancestors and ancestry. Our legacy building shows the highest respect for the sacred nature of the ceremony, its participants, and ancestral lineage, both formed and forming. Our ceremonies are often occasions of great joy, the deepest healing, and spiritual insights.
We see no good reason to hide this. Indeed, we have nothing to hide! We feel honored in what we do, and wish it to be known to the public as safe practitioners of our Holy Sacrament 5-MEO-DMT, (Bufo.) We wish to provide clarity so that prospective participants can see what it is we do, how people benefit, and the wide variety of responses to our Sacred Toad medicine that manifest. We believe in transparency, and posting pictures allow people to decide if the Temple of Eden is right for them. We totally understand that some people don’t wish to have pictures taken, and for this reason, we only photograph participants who have given us express permission before the ceremony begins. We never take pictures, before, during, or after ceremony without permission.
All participants wanting to be photographed must sign a photo media release.
Why can't I take the Sacrament 5-MeO-DMT (Bufo) alone?
A commonly asked question is whether one can partake in the sacrament alone. Our sacrament, 5-MEO-DMT (Bufo), stands as one of the most potent entheogens available. Taking the Sacrament by yourself can be risky due to its potent psychoactive effects and potential for inducing intense experiences that may lead to loss of bodily control or awareness. It’s advisable to have an experienced facilitator present for safety reasons. This individual can provide reassurance, monitor your well-being, and assist if any adverse reactions occur during the sacramental experience.
Here are the reasons why you need an experienced facilitator:
- Pre-screening Process: Screening with a medical intake form is important for an individual wanting to take the Sacrament 5-MeO-DMT because it helps assess their overall mental and physical health status, current medications, past medical history, and any potential risk factors or contraindications that could affect their safety during the sacramental experience. This process helps to ensure that the individual is medically suitable and prepared for the potential effects of Sacrament 5-MeO-DMT.
- Preparation: Preparing for a sacramental journey with 5-MeO-DMT is crucial for safety, mental well-being, and maximizing the potential healing benefits of the entheogenic experience. Preparation can involve understanding the molecule and its effects, understanding risks, setting intentions, creating a comfortable and safe environment, having a trusted facilitator present, and being spiritually, mentally and physically prepared for the intensity of the experience. This helps reduce the risk of a challenging or overwhelming experience and promotes a more positive and transformative journey.
- Intensity of the Sacramental Experience: 5-MeO-DMT is renowned for inducing profoundly transformative mystical experiences, often challenging even the most experienced users. It has a reputation for dissolving ego boundaries, deconstructing societal norms, fostering deep introspection and rewiring belief systems. The intensity of these encounters can fluctuate greatly among individuals and even within one’s own experiences. This sacred substance is not suitable for everyone, and its usage requires careful consideration of timing and readiness.
- Loss of Bodily Control: During a 5-MeO-DMT journey, individuals may encounter temporary loss of bodily control, potentially leading to accidental falls or other mishaps if unaccompanied. At times, they might involuntarily thrash about, necessitating gentle restraint to mitigate the risk of self-harm. The presence of a seasoned facilitator is paramount in averting such occurrences and safeguarding the individual’s physical well-being. Additionally, there’s a possibility of purging during the experience, requiring prompt assistance to prevent the risk of asphyxiation.
- Psychological Support: The intense and often rapid onset of the experience can be disorienting and frightening, particularly for those unprepared for it. An experienced facilitator can provide crucial psychological support, offering reassurance and calming guidance throughout the process. Additionally, in cases where severe trauma surfaces, having a trained trauma-informed facilitator to navigate these challenging experiences and prevent retraumatization is essential.
- Medical Assistance if Needed: While rare, adverse reactions to the Sacrament 5-MeO-DMT can occur, including medical emergencies, panic attacks, severe anxiety, or even psychosis. Ensure your facilitator is equipped with proper emergency response training and a safety protocol in place. Having an experienced facilitator who is cpr/bls/aed certified present ensures that medical assistance can be sought promptly if necessary.
- Guidance and Integration: After the sacramental journey, having someone to discuss the experience with can be invaluable for integrating any insights gained and processing the spiritual, emotional and psychological effects. An experienced trauma informed facilitator can provide guidance and support during this integration process. The Temple of Eden provides free post-integration support every first Thursday of each month at 7pm pst.
In summary, while some individuals may choose to take 5-MeO-DMT alone, doing so carries significant risks and can lead to injury or death. Having a trained and experienced facilitator present can enhance safety, provide support, and help ensure a more positive and manageable experience. Embarking on a journey with this sacred molecule has the profound potential to catalyze the most transformative experience of your lifetime. Let us commit to traversing this path without seeking shortcuts, embracing its full depth, sacredness and significance.
Read Enough? Your Healing Awaits.
Help Our Cause
You don’t have to participate in ceremony to join our cause. We provide our sacrament free-of-charge to all who seek healing. Your donation covers expenses of the Temple of Eden and our skilled facilitators.